Sunnynook Large Munsterlanders

The K2 Litter

Joe & Sheila Schmutz, R.R. 2 Site 202 Box 123, Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 3J5

last updated 24 May 2024 by Sheila Schmutz

Heron and Aiko's litter was born on 30 January 2024 morning. She had 11 puppies, including 5 males and 6 females. All pups from this litter are spoken for.

Please complete a questionnaire, if you would like a female from a future litter.

Heron’s K2 litter, her first, was the 37th litter in our Sunnynook Kennel. Aiko has sired litters before: Prairie Fire's A litter and Sunnynook's J2 litter. Both qualified for a Progeny Performance Award.

Video Links

This 21 second video was taken on Feb 17, when they were 19 days old. You can see that they try to walk a bit and even climb a bit. You can also hear their little puppy barks, which are different than the sounds they made earlier. The video is posted on my personal Facebook page, because I don't know how to add a video directly to this webpage.

But "nap time" was still what they did most at that age. With Mom in the box, or not. Just about any position will do!

This 40 second video was taken on March 3, when they were almost 5 weeks old. They are very active and playful, for short periods. They can now pick up and carry the furry "seal" toys. They play tug-of-war. They can climb up the carpeted step from our living room. I couldn't capture all 11 in this one, but it gives you a sense of how much they've grown.

On Saturday March 9, it finally warmed up a bit. We had a huge blizzard last weekend so there is still snow everywhere, but Joe shoveled out their run. They think it's great to be able to go out in the fresh air and sunshine now! Gannet in the next pen is very interested in this new development too.

The weight graph below was updated at least weekly while they were here. However, now we show the weights in lb, and every few weeks.

The symbols on the graph for the males are squares, and for the females are circles. This the tradition used by geneticists, and one we've always used too.

The purple triangle symbol is for our new pup, Asio von der Fienen Biye. He was born one day before the K2 pups in Sendenhorst, Germany. He came to Sunnynook on May 21.

The pups are now "little dogs" and preparing to go to their new homes. They're weaned but happily grab a quick snack when Mom comes to visit.

They all received their green ear tattoos on March 20. The numbers they now carry are their Lare Munsterlander Association of Canada registration numbers.

All the Pups have been chosen, and have begun leaving for their new homes.

Male Pups

1M or Triangle is is now called Karma, and has gone to live with his father, Aiko, in Saskatoon. (photo 3 April 2024)

3spot (10M) is staying in Saskatoon and has gone to live with 2 Peregrine Falcons and a Small Munsterlander. His new name is Kasch. (photo 3 Apr 2024)

Archie or Archipelago (12M) is now Kermit, called "Tater". He's gone to live in Swift Current, with a family that had a Bear's Hill LM previously.

Karter was formerly WhiteBum, 5M. After flying to Montreal, and he was picked up by his new owners and driven to New Brunswick where he'll live with a Pointer named Neelah.

The day before Karter (right) and Kosmo (middle) were driven to Montreal by Joe and Derek, they pointed a sharptail grouse wing-on-a stick, with their sister Kua (left).

Kosmo was Blackside (7M). He's now living near Montreal with a Labrador Retriever.

Female Pups

Kua, formerly White Shoulders (9F) is on the right in the photo above. Her new home will be in Calgary, a home that had a Sunnynook LM previously. On a walk in the woods with Joe she found a real treasure and carried it proudly for a long way....

WhiteLines, or 11 F, moved to Idaho, to a family who has had 2 LMs previously. Her new name is Karolina, but she will be called "Feder". Shown here with her owner Steve. (photo 15 April 2024)

WhiteLines, or 11 F, moved to Idaho, to a family who has had 2 LMs previously. Her new name is Karolina, but she will be called "Feder". Shown here with the Big Lost Mountains in the background. (photo 16 April 2024)

Ball-Line, 2F, has gone to Spruce Grove, Alberta, to a home that had a Sunynook LM previously. Her new name is Kona. Here she's pointing a grouse wing-on-a-stick, seeing it here for the first time. (photo 5 April 2024).

A video about using this to help pups get started is here:

Fingers' new name is Kimchi. She flew to Ontario with her owner to live with Sunnynook's Gizmo.

Serpent is now named Klister and she's gone to live in BC with Sunnynook's Fjord. Her photo, right, was taken there (4 April 2024).

Diamond (4F) is now Koda. She's living the hard life, in Regina with Sunnynook's Artemis "Allie"!

Sunnynook's Heron, dam of the Sunnynook K2 Litter

Heron was born 30 December 2019, here at Sunnynook Kennel. Her mother Krokus von Kleinenkneten traces back to Germany. Her father, Sunnynook’s Cue, is derived from a mix of imports and our own Sunnynook dogs tracing back to our original pair imported in the 1970s.

Heron has a fine-boned physique and light body at 59 cm at withers (standard = 58-63) and 23.6 kg (53 lbs). She is a ticked dog with one large black mantle and a few black ticks on white background. Her head is all black. She was scored Very Good for Body and Good for Coat in the LMAC Conformation Evaluation in September 2023.

Heron is a soft-tempered dog, so much so that she would not have done well in a heavy-handed training regime. She does not easily forgive and forget. By the same token, she is also very cooperative and trainable. For example, Heron was apparently challenged by beavers on a long-distance open water retrieve 2 years ago and because of this she avoids big open water to this day. Unless a duck is in open water, in plain sight, Heron chooses to search near-shore water and marsh, but this she does with a good nose and will to find.

In the field, Heron is a joy to watch with a purposeful search, typically casting well out across the wind. In both water and upland she knows to use her good nose well. Heron is a natural retriever, meaning she knows no ear pinch. Heron will sit to deliver with a mere raising of a finger and sit patiently to have her picture taken. She has reached this stage by simply “encouraging” retrieving of frozen pigeons, not dummies, from puppyhood on. Her retrieving patience typically only reaches a limit working on hot days when we tend not to expect show but simply take her bird brought to hand.

Heron is a calm dog, loves people, is a joy to live and travel with, except for see-through hotel stairs. She gets on well with other dogs but may protect her kennel and birds with a cautioning growl to other dogs.

Heron is a healthy dog, with a beautiful and shiny coat, presumably from the prevailing raw-food-recipe diet. Her hips are rated excellent and her elbows are normal. Because neither of parents carries brown nor Grey (Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia), neither does she.

Heron scored 70 (Very Good) in Hunting Aptitude Evaluation (HAE) at 8.5 months. She ran the Advanced Hunting Aptitude Evaluation three times, passing in September 2023. Details are shown below. These tests are a breeder's tool for confirming the all-around versatile hunting qualities all LMs should have. See another webpage for more information about these tests.

Hunting Aptitude Evaluation (HAE) Scores

Name Search Pointing Tracking Water Nose Desire Cooperation Total
Heron 10 10 8 10 9 10 10 70 Very Good
Aiko 8 10 3 10 8 9 10 56 *

*Aiko did not earn the required score of 5 or higher in tracking, but he has proven his tracking ability in the more difficult duck track on open water in his AHAE test.

Advanced Hunting Aptitude Evaluation (AHAE) Scores

Name Search Pointing Search Behind Duck Nose Desire Cooperation Steadiness Retrieve Shot Bird Marked Water Retrieve Blind Water Entry Game Drag Obedience Total
Heron 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 10 167 Very Good
Aiko 8 10 5 9 9 8 8 7 3 5 7 6 134 Good

Performance Evaluation (PE) Scores

Name Water Search Search Behind Duck Field Search Pointing Backing Nose Desire Cooperation Blind Water Retrieve Steadiness Retrieve Shot Bird Drag Obedience Total
Aiko 7 11 10 9 1 10 9 6 10 4 4 8 5 157 Good

Aiko von Sundorph, sire of the Sunnynook K2 Litter

Aiko von Sundorph, was whelped in February 2017 in Germany and lives in Saskatoon with Les & Patty Piecowye. He’s currently the only dog in the household and happily hunts for virtually the entire household of hunters. Aiko stands out for being quiet and a perfect companion in the house and vehicle. He does not bark.

Les joins his hunting friends who have English Pointers, Golden Retrievers and other breeds. Aiko hunts well with other dogs, male or female.

Aiko excels at handling birds well. In hunting, Aiko is allowed to choose his own hunting range. He applies his nose well and points birds cautiously and cooperatively.

Aiko has also been tested at all three VHDF levels. Aiko’s scores show variable performance, low one time and high another. It seems Aiko has little enthusiasm for training and testing situations, but takes his hunting very seriously. For example, as a young dog he watched other dogs track pheasants in testing and decided he would hunt out the pheasant with a high nose instead of using the track. Yet, in at least one memorable case, Aiko picked up the scent of a winged Hungarian partridge, tracked it for 300 m, and delivered it to Les. In Aiko's second VHDF Performance Evaluation, he tracked a winged duck 50 m across a milfoil choked pond and into dense cattails, where he captured the duck and delivered it to hand.

With the benefit of age-adjusted bird exposure for three levels of field testing and a few years of hunting, Aiko has become a special dog, one we are pleased to introduce into our Sunnynook line. Les describes Aiko as: "an exceptional bird finder holding birds well including on wide casts. He backs other dogs on point; retrieves reliably on land and from water – the bigger the goose the better. Aiko has not lost a bird during the last two seasons. Aiko respects another dog’s prior retrieve, is not aggressive to other dogs male or female, and insists on visiting with other dogs in the dog park. "

Like all Large Munsterlanders raised by breeder members of the Large Munsterlander Association of Canada, Aiko also conforms to the international standard. Aiko stands 67 cm at withers, 69 cm long and weighs 75 lbs.

Aiko was radiographed at 18 months and his hips were rated Good-Excellent, and elbows normal. Aiko also passed (6, Good) the 4 hour blood tracking test of VHDF-Canada in Fall 2021. His conformation evaluation results were Body: Very Good, Coat: Very Good. He has been DNA tested by HealthGene and does not carry brown coat color or Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia.

The Pair

In addition to breeding well-qualified dogs, we pay attention to complementarity. Heron’s modest height is balanced nicely by Aiko’s taller height while still keeping a medium-bone stature that supports endurance. Aiko loves the water and has done some phenomenal long distance retrieves of cripples. Both are capable in the field. The two support each other in promising healthy puppies that are fun to live and travel with.

Their pups will have no common ancestors in 3 generations. Therefore their inbreeding coefficient is zero.

Explanation of abbreviations in the pedigree above

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Please call us if you have any specific questions (306)382-8964. e-mail or e-mail